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Angular JS Application Development Services

Hire our AngularJS developers to get the best AngularJS development services and turn your apps or websites fast, scalable and appealing. We build only what you actually need.

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Angular JS, an open source JavaScript framework, has become a synonym for developing web application that are responsive and dynamic in behavior. Our AngularJS development services realizes the business requirements of our clients and caters them with highly optimized web application which is adaptable, secure and stable. AngularJS codes are elegant and can easily work on multiple devices. AngularJS web development is REST friendliness, rich in HTML components, supports Google and has weightless mobile-ready codes and easy to integrate.

AngularJS Maintenance & Support

Our AngularJS Maintenance & Support team delivers the developed software / applications with warranty term, further support and maintenance is also provided under the SLA (Service Level Agreement).

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Website Backup

Our AngularJS Development Services use standard and automate backup methods to protect your software and helps restoring it anywhere, anytime.

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Security Monitoring

Our AngularJS development experts goal is to ensure that your Angular JS web application is fully secure & has complete 24/7 security monitoring.

Professional support

Professional Help

Our AngularJS developers gives real time support to your JS web application and also provides an active consultancy to help you out.

Outsource AngularJS Developers for Longer Projects

Hire our dedicated AngularJS experts for occasional help or for full time AngularJS web & application developments.

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AngularJS Development Services

Our AngularJS developers utilize the latest tools and cutting edge technologies to provide the best AngularJS Development Services.

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Interactive Location Apps

Develop Geo-tracking apps with AngularJS and mark particular position on the map, fill in the address and saves the location in the database.

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Social Networking Platforms

Build your real social network applications or websites from Angular JS with innovative features to build online communities and knowledge networks.

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Hybrid App Development

Create Cross-platform mobile apps AngularJS and Ionic. AngularJS, the first UI framework designed solely for building awesome Hybrid Mobile apps.

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Create lightweight, flexible, adaptive, and secure and a single page shopping cart web application with useful features only with AngularJS.

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Data Analysis Tool

Effective tool to do quick effort and cost estimation on application development and helps predict the minimum project duration.

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Media Streaming Apps

Build futuristic media applications like videos, music for mobile and desktop platforms powered only by AngularJS.

Award Winning Projects

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These are some names of clienteles that trust us and chose our development services for their complex ecosystems.

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our global offices



Rahim Yar Khan

Office Number 1 Huzaifa Town, Islamia university RYK campus Road.


+92 (301) 3887598


Office No. 1, First Floor CSD Bedian Road, Near R A Bazar cantt Lahore.


+92 (331) 0099811



167 – 169 Street South Melbourne 3205.


+61 (386) 460100



1 Merchants Plz, Bangor, ME, United States, Maine.


+1 (207) 947-9333

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